Not A Blog, Per Se~

Chicken Pox and Shingles 

The mind-body relationship always fascinates me.  It’s not just that I ask my fingers to type these symbols that represent letters, that form words, that I shape into sentences to convey the ideas in my head – it’s that it’s automatically understood by my arms and fingers to do so.  I don’t have to expend any energy thinking about how to type, where once it drove me crazy to do both.  There was a time when my hands couldn’t keep up with my thoughts… 

Last fall, I began to get shingles. I had had chicken…

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Compliment Journal 

After my 3rd husband announced he wanted a divorce, I was a wreck.  I could barely get off the floor of our house. I’m not talking figuratively, I mean I literally had no strength to move off the floor.  I was completely depressed and shattered. 

Both of us played our parts, adding daily to what would eventually separate us.  My first thought was, “I’m glad the cycle is broken.”  I continued to have hope of reconciliation. I imagined that because that everything was out in the open, we could fix what was…

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Pizza and Danish Pastries 

Because of work, I’d gained quite a bit of weight, I wasn't fitting into my clothes.  A choice had to be made: buy a new wardrobe in a larger size or loose the weight.  As loosing weight was the cheaper option, it won. Consequently, like the rest of the people in a First World Nation, I looked closer at what I was eating. I didn't want to feel "deprived" or "unsocial."  I wanted to enjoy life, eat "bad" foods occasionally.  I wanted to be in control of food, not have food do a "Siren's Call" that would dash…

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